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Personnel Recruitment Consulting

The world’s top franchisors have relied on Franchise Research Corp’s expertise in personnel recruitment and the technology needed to attract and retain their most valuable asset, human capital. Through consulting, we will help you optimize your existing recruitment practices and personnel management processes. After our comprehensive assessment, we may recommend a recruitment management system or tools that can measure and manage results.

Franchise Research Corp focuses to assure that franchisors hire the highest qualified talent to implement the strategies and work with the systems to achieve optimal results. Our solutions improve your hiring success avoiding mis-hires. Our approach and tools help franchisors and their in-house house HR/personnel recruitment team identify and hire the right people.

To help close the gap and transform a franchisor’s personnel recruitment practices from average to superior, Franchise Research Corp offers consulting on the following key areas:

  • Personnel Recruiting Needs Analysis and Auditing
  • Personnel Recruiting Strategy Development
  • Recruiting Planning and Forecasting
  • Recruiting Advertising Strategies
  • Development of Key Performance Metrics and Indicators
  • Personnel Recruiting Cycles, Practices Assessment
  • On-going Consulting and Maintenance

Franchise Research Corp consults and implements on the following personnel recruiting strategies and supporting technology:

  • Personnel Recruitment Management Process and Tools
  • Recruitment Campaign Deployment
  • Recruitment Marketing and Resume Generation Campaigns
  • Ideal Interviewing Practices and Profiling Tools
  • Recruitment Management Technology
  • Personnel Retention Strategies

The value of our expertise, proven track record, training programs and our technology have enable our clients to experience a dramatic return on investments on their ability to recruit and retain top talent, by delivering custom tailored consultation to their in-house HR/personnel recruitment team.


Recruitment Management Solution


To learn more about our services contact us Back to To

Personnel Investment

Franchisors must recognize that management leadership is capital formation. They can hedge their bets with the best possible candidates the market has to offer when they invest in and hire top-level franchise-experienced, quality-driven management executives.


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Staffing costs!

The cost of hiring, training and replacing talent is estimated to have a value up to 15 times their salary.


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Through consulting and
training, Franchise Research
Corp can build a custom
tailored program..More


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