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Through consulting and training, Franchise Research Corp can build a custom tailored program that improves franchisors strategies, processes, and technologies in the areas of marketing, sales and recruiting. Giving franchisors the ability to quantify and maximize their return on investments at all stages of their franchise growth.


Part 1 – Core Analysis

This is an in-depth Franchisor Assessment that focuses on 3 key areas:

  • Franchise Assessment: Evaluates overall franchisor growth objectives and timelines.
  • Personnel Assessment: Evaluates present vs. required team skills and their stages of development and training.
  • Franchise Systems and Technology Assessment: Evaluates existing systems and technologies while providing recommendations on the implementation of new enhanced systems.

Part 2 – Strategy & System Implementation

The second stage of our approach focuses on the deployment of tailored strategies and systems:

  • Franchise Process Implementation: We implement a model that is system dependant as opposed to people dependant – providing benchmarks and key performance indicators – managing by numbers and giving employees accountabilities and responsibilities for their existence within the organization.
  • Franchise System Implementation: Our consultants will enhance and or implement the required systems for your business.

Part 3 – Strategy & System Training

The third stage of our approach focuses on the training & development of in-house teams:

  • Personnel Training: Develop custom-tailored training modules that meet the required needs of your staff. Our complete training programs give in-house teams the tools and the know-how to create and deploy departmental strategies that will meet overall goals.
  • System Training: Our teams of experts train in-house teams to maximize the use of their existing and/or newly acquired technologies that support the business.

Part 4 – Strategy & System Management

The fourth stage of our approach focuses on skills specialization:

  • Specialized Training: Key personnel undergo a series of intense training modules that result in the specialization of an enhanced and or new skill set.
  • Workload Productivity Analysis: Proactive improvement of an in-house team's performance is achieved through the implementation of best business practices learnt from trials and errors. By assessing challenges, determining possible solutions, establishing timelines and its results, specialized personnel can overcome obstacles and better manage their workload productivity while achieving positive results.

Part 5 – Performance Evaluation

The final stage of our approach focuses on franchisor’s scalability:

  • Personnel Evaluation: Conduct scheduled evaluation to measure personnel performance and achieved results.
  • Process and Strategy Performance Evaluation: Conduct scheduled assessment of implemented strategies and processes to adjust and correct any anomalies. Assuring data integrity and optimal process and strategy performance.
  • System Performance Evaluation: Conduct scheduled assessment of systems and technology implementation to adjust and correct any anomalies. Assuring data integrity and optimal system performance.
  • On-going Consultation: Provide on-going consultation and recommendations on future needs with potential timeframes of implementation.
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Explosive Growth

Between 2004 and 2005 over 300 new franchise concepts were launched in the US.


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Expansion Opportunities

In today’s high growth franchising industry, 1 new franchise opens its doors every 8 minutes of every business day.


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Business Success

The execution of business requires a strategy and top talent.

Through consulting and
training, Franchise Research
Corp can build a custom
tailored program..More


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