Franchise Consulting Firm In London Ontario
If you want to investigate franchises in your area, a web directory is a great place to start. Web directories feature cursory information categorized by state, which may help you narrow down your options. Many directories offer links to corporate websites where you can investigate basic information and corporate policies regarding small business opportunities.
Once you have an idea of the type of business or field of interest you'd like to invest in, it's a good idea to consult the company's Financial Disclosure Document. This document may provide you with additional information about the demand for products and services offered, peak sales times, customer loyalty programs and insights into competition both locally and nationally.
Research Previous Owners Using the Franchisor's Financial Disclosure Document
The Financial Disclosure Document should contain information about current and previous franchisees. If it doesn't, you have a right to ask for this information according to the Federal Trade Commission Franchise Rule. Make a note of how many investors renewed their contracts and how many ended them after a single term.
If you can find contact information for previous franchise owners, ask them how long it took to get their businesses up and running. This will be an important consideration if you're counting on turning a profit immediately to recoup initial startup costs. Ask previous investors about their backgrounds, and find out if they believe industry experience or education played a part in their success.
"...Ask previous investors about their backgrounds, and find out if they believe industry experience or education played a part in their success.."
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